10 events found.
All School Registration Open House Preschool 3 – 8th grade
Appointment only All school Open House. Appointments may be made by calling the school office at 740-374-8181 or emailing Mrs. Bradley at tammibradley@stmaryscatholic.org
Spring Art Show
All School Spring Art Show Parish Center
Retirement Reception for our Nurse, Mrs. Booth
Parish CenterA Christmas Cinderella
Parish CenterCatholic Schools Week Open House
Parish CenterCatholic Schools Week 2023 will kick off with our registration open house for the 2023-2024 Academic year on Monday, January 30th from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Appointments may be made by calling the school office at 740-374-8181 or emailing Marketing Director Tammi Bradley at tammibradley@stmaryscatholic.org