Daily Schedule
The official length of a day for students in grades K – 8 shall be in compliance with the current guidelines set by the Ohio Department of Education.
First Bell 8:50 AM Homeroom Activities Begin 9:00 AM Instruction Begins 9:10 AM Lunch – Grades K-3 11:30 AM – 12:10 PM Lunch – Grades 4-8 12:00 Noon – 12:30 PM Students dismissed 3:35 PM
Students who are not in homeroom by 9:00 AM will be considered tardy unless they ride a school bus that does not arrive here until after 9:00 AM. Students who arrive in the building after 9:10 AM should come to the office for a tardy slip prior to going to class. (Exception – Students riding a school bus that arrives at St. Mary’s after 9:00 AM are to go directly to class.)
A short afternoon recess no longer than 15 minutes in length for grades K – 3 can be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher.
Morning Session 9:00 – 11:30 AM Full Day 9:00 – 3:26 PM
Morning Session 9:00 – 11:30 AM Full Day 9:00 – 3:26 PM